Jeff Kleespie

Jeff Kleespie


Hi, my name is Jeff Kleespie. I’m an aspiring photographer here in Iowa. At the end of this year, I’ll be getting my associates in photography. I specialize in commercial and portrait photography. I can do other kinds of photography as well. Before I came to DMACC, I was in the army. Never thought of anything photography. Didn’t even understand it. All I cared about was my job in the army, my barracks, other soldiers then came along later, My family. My family is the reason I left the military. I wanted to be there for them and spent more time with them. Getting out and not having a plan of action was not great. Didn’t know what I wanted to do. So, I decided to go to dmacc and finish up my Liberal arts degree. Then video production caught my eye. In the last semester of video production, I subbed some video classes for photography. At that point, I was like wow, this is what I want to do. I immediately fell in love with photography, yes I said, “fell in love”. I made it my mission to learn everything possible about photography. But in photography, there’s always something new to learn. What I have learned from DMACC has made me an awesome photographer. You can check out my portfolio in the link provided. I didn’t want to downscale my pictures for this site. So, there are no pictures here, but my profile picture.